Earning money online is a living trend in this era of the internet. There are many ways that you can earn money using the internet. Event blogging is one of them. Literary, event blogging can give you thousands of dollars

There is no absolute way of checking whether the bootloader of your android device is locked or not. Because different device manufacturers provide different ways of checking bootloader status. However, checking the bootloader status using ADB commands works on almost

We often hear the term bootloader while rooting, flashing custom or recovery ROM on android devices. However, this term always confused most of the android users as we don’t have much knowledge about it. Consequently, it brings lots of question

Internet has been around there for more than a half-century. But since the last decade, it has gone through massive growth which made it the most quickly and widely adopted technology across the globe. Nowadays the internet is so powerful

You may have heard about android developer options. If don’t then let you know that android developer options is a handy feature of android which allows you to configure the system behaviour, profiling apps performance, debugging over USB and so

Besides well-known SEO stuffs like keyword research, keyword placing, writing quality content, link building, etc. UX and UI are also the two most vital parameters for SEO. An attractive user interface of your blog can drive and engage more traffic

I found three reasons for that anyone wants to change the drive icon on Windows 10. Just because of curiosity like me. To indicate that the particular drive contains particular files. Or you are getting bored with the default drive

You may find many reasons to keep the records of Whatsapp voice conversation on your Android phone. But Whatsapp doesn’t have any native features for voice call recording. Some model of Infinix, Vivo, etc. can record Whatsapp voice call through

Hello, bloggers In this post I will share “How To Add Responsive Table Of Contents To Bloggger Post”.So if your website is hosted on google blog i.e blogger.com then follow this post thoroughly. What Is Table Of Contents: You may

A decade ago, creating professional animations on Android phone was like a daydream. But this scenario has been changed as time goes. Android app developers have already developed lots of powerful animation applications. These days, anyone can easily create computer